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President: Igor Mirović (SNS) · Governing parties: SNS, SPS, SVM
Legislative elections: Assembly, 4-year term, 3% threshold/minorities are exempted (2012/2016: 5%), 120 seats, party-list PR (2012: 60 FPTP/60 PR):

    2024 2020 2016 2012
Party Ideology % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats
Srpska Napredna Stranka (SNS)
Serbian Progressive Party (a)
National conservatism 48,9 67 61,6 76 45,8 63 19,3 22
Srbija Protiv Nasilja (SPN)
Serbia Against Violence
Liberal conservatism
Social democracy
22,6 30 - - - - - -
Savez Vojvođanskih Mađara (SVM)
Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians
Minority interests (HUN)
6,5 8 9,3 11 5,0 6 6,5 7
Socijalistička Partija Srbije (SPS)
Socialist Party of Serbia (b)
Socialism 5,3 7 11,2 13 9,1 12 11,8 13
Demokratska Stranka Srbija (DSS)
Democratic Party of Serbia
National conservatism 5,3 7 4,4 5 DVERI - 6,2 4
Pokret Obnove Kraljevine Srbije (POKS)
Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia
National conservatism
4,2 5 - - - -
Liga Socijaldemokrata Vojvodine (LSV)
League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (c)
Social democracy 
2,6 - 5,1 6 6,6 9 11,6 10
Srpski Pokret Dveri (DVERI)
Serbian Movement Dveri (d) 
Christian right    
2,4 - - - 3,3 - 4,8 -
Srpska Radikalna Stranka (SRS)
Serbian Radical Party
Far-right politics 
2,2 - 3,3 4 7,9 10 6,6 5
Dosta je Bilo-Restart (DJB)
It's Enough-Restart (e)
1,5 - - - 5,7 7 - -
Liberalno Demokratska Partija (LDP)
Liberal Democratic Party (f)
Liberalism 0,3 - 0,6 - 2,9 - 5,0 1
Demokratska Stranka (DS)
Democratic Party (g)
Social democracy SPN ... - - 7,5 10 21,0 58
Stranka Slobode i Pravde (SSP)
Party of Freedom and Justice (h)
Social liberalism SPN ... - - - - - -
Mađarski Pokret (M)
Hungarian Movement
Minority interests (HUN)    - - - - 1,8 2 - -
Zelena Stranka (ZES)
Green Party
Minority interests (SK)
Green politics  
- - - - 1,2 1 - -
Others 2,4  0,4 - 3,2 - 7,2 -
Total 120   - 120 - 120 - 120
Turnout 57,2 50,3 55,7 58,2

© 2024 Wolfram Nordsieck. Source: PIK (www.pik.skupstinavojvodine.gov.rs). Notes: (a) 2012/2016/2020/2024: Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) et al.; (b) 2012: Socialist Party of Serbia-Party of United Pensioners of Serbia-United Serbia-Social Democratic Party of Serbia (SPS-PUPS-JS-SDPS); 2016/2020: Socialist Party of Serbia-United Serbia (SPS-JS); 2024: Socialist Party of Serbia-United Serbia-Green Party (SPS-JS-ZS); (c) 2020: Vojvodina Front (VF); 2024: League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina-Democratic Union of Vojvodina Hungarians-Together for Vojvodina (LSV-VMDK-ZZV); (d) 2016: Serbian Movement Dveri-Democratic Party of Serbia (DVERI-DSS); 2020: Election boycott; 2024: Serbian Movement Dveri-Serbian Party Oathkeepers (DVERI-SSZ); (e) 2020: Election boycott; 2023: It's Enough-Restart-Social Democratic Party (DJB-SDS); (f) 2012/2020: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) et al.; 2016: Social Democratic Party-Liberal Democratic Party (SDS-LDP); (g) 2012/2016: Democratic Party (DS) et al.; 2020: Election boycott; (h) 2020: Election boycott.