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President: Maia Sandu (PAS) · Prime Minister: Dorin Recean · Governing party: PAS
Legislative elections: Parliament, 4-year term, 101 seats, 5% threshold (2019: 6%), party-list PR (2019: parallel voting, 50 PR + 51 FPTP):

    2021 2019 2014 2010
Party Ideology % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats
Partidul Acțiune și Solidaritate (PAS)
Party of Action and Solidarity
Liberal conservatism    52,8 63 ACUM (14) - - - -
Partidul Socialiştilor din Republica Moldova (PSRM)
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova
Democratic socialism
 27,2 22  31,2 35 20,5 25 PCRM (1)
Partidul Comuniştilor din Republica Moldova (PCRM)
Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova
Democratic socialism
10 3,8 - 17,5 21 39,3 42
Partidul Politic "Şor" (PPS)
Political Party "Şor" (a)
Social conservatism  
5,7 6 8,3 7 - - 0,1 -
Partidul Nostru (PN)
Our Party (b)
Social conservatism  
4,1 - 3,0 - - - 0,1 -
Platforma Demnitate şi Adevăr (PDA)
Dignity and Truth Platform
Anti-corruption politics  
 2,3 - ACUM (12) - - - -
Partidul Democrat din Moldova (PDM)
Democratic Party of Moldova
Social democracy    1,8 - 23,6 30 15,8 19 12,7 15
Acum Platforma DA si PAS (ACUM)
Now Platform DA and PAS
Liberal conservarism  
- - 26,8 26 - - - -
Partidul Liberal (PL)
Liberal Party
Liberalism    - - 1,3 - 9,7 13 10,0 12
Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova (PLDM)
Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova
Liberalism    - - - - 20,2 23 29,4 32
Partidul Social Democrat (PSD)
Social Democratic Party
Social democracy
- - - - 3,5 - 0,6 -
Independents - - - 3 - - - -
Others 6,1 - 2,0  - 12,8 - 7,8 -
Total - 101 -  101 - 101 - 101
Turnout 48,3 49,2 55,9 59,1

© 2021 Wolfram Nordsieck. Source: Comisia Electorala Centrala (www.cec.md).  For full coverage, click here (1990-present). Notes: (a) 2010: Social Political Movement "Equality" (MR); (b) 2010: Republican People's Party (PPR); 2021: Electoral Bloc "Renato Usatîi" (BERU).